The XC62FP series is a group of positive voltage output, three-pinregulators, that provide a high current even when the input/outputvoltage differential is small. Low power onsumption and high accuracyis achieved through CMOS and laser trimming technologies.The XC62FP consists of a high-precision voltage reference, an erroramplification circuit, and a current limited output driver. Transientresponse to load variations have improved in comparison to the existingseries.
SOT-23 (150mW), SOT-89 (500mW) and TO-92 (300mW) packages are
XC62FP4002PR 电压调整器!
Maximum Output Current: 250mA
(within max. power dissipation, VOUT = 5.0V)
Output Voltage Range: 2.0V ~ 6.0V in 0.1V increments
(1.5V ~ 1.9V for custom products)
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