








三油桶夹具 DG1500D 三油桶夹具 DG1500D « 机械机构设计可与叉车方便地配合,仅依靠叉车的动作,不需要其它的动力,可自动一次搬运1-4个桶 « Purely mechanical structure design, convenient to work with forklift truck; can automatically move 1~4 drums at one time just with forklift truck’s movement without any other force « 独特的黑鹰嘴设计,整体铸钢制作,操作更加轻松,更加经久耐用 « Use special black eagle-gripper structure, wholly made of cast steel; easier to operate, more durable « 能处理更多类型的桶,包括钢制油桶和塑料油桶 « Be able to deal with more types of drums, including steel oil drum and PE oil drum « 配置可拆换式柔性耐磨保护垫,有效保护油桶并缓冲叉车行驶过程中的震动 « Replaceable soft wear-resistant protective cushion effectively protects drums and absorbs vibration during driving « 全自动机械操作,以适应不同规格的桶。每个桶都有可自动调节的双“鹰嘴”夹爪机构来夹紧,不仅进一步减缓桶缘受力状况,而且对局部损坏的桶,放置不平的桶都能地进行搬运和堆码 « Full automatic mechanical operation to suit various types of drums; each drum will be gripped tight by auto-adjustable double-eagle-gripper unit which will not only ease the stress put on the edge of drum but also ensure reliable transporting and stacking partly-damaged drums or unevenly-placed drums « 能在集装箱等这样狭小的环境内装卸桶装物质,可极大地提高空间利用率 « Enable loading or unloading drum content inside limited space such as a container; massively improve on space utilization « 与货叉连接配有自锁装置确保油桶夹在坡度上和颠簸路面使用时不会滑落 « Auto-lock is installed for connecting forks to make sure the drums won’t slip off when they’re on gradient or bumpy road 型号 Model 额定负载Loading Weight (KG) 净重 Net Weight (KG) 外形尺寸Outline Dimension (mm) 鹰嘴可调高度Eagle-gripper Adjustable Height (mm) 单叉套尺寸Single Fork Sleeve Size(mm) 两叉套外宽Outer Width of Double- Fork Sleeve(mm) 叉套长度Fork Sleeve Length (mm) DG1500D 500*3 121 1500*1100*850 465-690 150*55 990 900
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